Social Media Marketing - Psychological Studies

7 Psychological Studies That Will Boost Your Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Do you have any idea, how your audience decide, what they want to purchase, click and share? We will show you 7 psychological studies to boost your Social Media Marketing.

See, if you consider understanding a bit of behavioural psychology, can take you a long way towards understanding your audience. You will steadily understand what tend them to do the things they do on social media and on your website.

There is a lot of things for social media marketers to find, and if you focus on the psychology of human interaction it will lead you to some quick wins over the way you compose your social media posts and the way you communicate online.

Here are some of the best psychological studies that will help you to know your audience easily. It also apprises you how they might relate to what we all do online.

I would love that if you take a look at them and let us know what do you think?

Social Media Marketing-Psychological Studies

1. Reciprocity

It is good to give back to people who have given to us.

Research in 2002 showed that waiters could increase their tips with a little bit of reciprocity. Their tips rise to three per cent if they had given mint after dinner, while tip rises up to 20 per cent when the waiter paused and looked into the eyes of the customer and then given them a second mint while delivering the dinner. The server tells them the mint was specifically for them.

What you should learn?

See, you have to give something that has value to get something in return. If you will show kindness to others you will receive many happy returns in terms of benefits and opportunities.

2. Consistency

You should keep yourself consistent with what you say and do. If you think that you need to change to keep things consistent you should change.

Some researchers asked people if they volunteer for the American Cancer Society. A group got a cold call and only 4 per cent were agreed. The other group of people received calls a few days prior and has been asked to volunteer hypothetically for the American Cancer Society. And you may not believe 31 per cent of them were agreed.

What you should learn?

Try to help your current customers and potential user by creating an expectation of what they may say or do. For example, make them opt your digital marketing they need and offer them the tools that are used by some expert marketers.

3. Endowment Effect

If you endow something you tend to value it more. If you will sell it, you want a higher price of what it is really worth.

Research showed that those who had won basketball tickets valued at tickets at $2400, while those who had not won, had to pay $170.

What you should learn?

The customers assign a higher value to the things they already won. You can help them increase their ownership in your product or brand by encouraging suggestions and feedback. Ask them to involve in social media where they can quench their queries.

4. The Foot-In-The-Door Method

The first time a study on this method was performed in the 1960s. The researchers make phone calls to a number of housewives to inquire about the household product they use. After three days they called again asking them to send workers to note the cleaning products in the home. It was seen that the women who responded to first phone call were two times more likely to respond to the second request.

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What you should learn?

From the above-discussed research it is very clear that the customer who frequently open your emails, download your contents the more likely they will go with your larger requests such as sharing your content and inviting their friends.

5. Loss Aversion

Did you know we feel the negative effects of loss more than the positive effect of equal gain?

In research, a group of teachers received bonuses on the performance of their students based on the standardized test. Whereas the other group received the bonuses at the beginning of the year and they were asked to either keep it or lose it based on the results of their students. The results showed that the teachers who got prepaid bonuses the ones that could have been lost has a bigger impact on teachers.

What you should learn?

See you have to remove the fear of loss from the mindset of your customers.  The best way to do this is to give them risk-free trials and money-back guarantees.

6. Orthodoxy and Social Influence

If you know everybody is giving the wrong answer, would you give the wrong answer because everybody is giving it? A researcher found it to be true for a large number of people in research he did in the 1950s. Some of the actors were hired to participate along with some students in a quiz competition. Actors were asked to give the wrong answers, most of the students had given the wrong answers even though the correct answer was obvious.

What you should learn?

Industry leaders or influencers can help you to make your product appear more valuable to others. The networks based on inviting get the benefits too.

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7. Mere Exposure Theory

If you're getting exposed to something more the more you tend to like it.

In research, Robert Zajonc showed some Chinese characters to non- Chinese speakers. The sequence was repeated 1 to 25 times. Participants were asked to guess the meaning of the characters. The researcher observed the more often character is shown the more positive meaning they gave.

Some researchers showed the volunteers the picture of an octagon for a millisecond. The participants didn't remember what they say still they showed more affinity towards the shape.

What you should learn?

Share your helpful content repeatedly as reposting can have a direct impact on your audience. Don't hesitate to repeat your message.


The studies given above are just the tip of the iceberg. There are tons of studies and theories are available that can help you to grow your audience. You need to read more to grow more.

We would love to hear suggestions from you guys. Tell us were you practising any of these for social media marketing. Let us know how psychology impacts your social media marketing.

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